1994 Bags4Life

1994 Bags4Life

All songs written by Mandy Mitchell and Gavyn Greenhow with exception of 4 Inch Worm, which Gavyn finds a bit rude!

Side one

No.         Title                                                                Length

1.            "Kayak and Condoms"                                   2:37

2.            "I’ve Got the  Runs"                                       2:03

3.            "Canderal Is the Sweetest Thing"                  3:43

4.            "Daffodil in my Bum"                                   3:08

5.            "Is it in yet?"                                                  2:07

6.            "The Poop Song"                                           2:42

7.            "4 Inch Worm"                                               2:33

Side two

No.         Title                                                               Length

1.            "Easy Jet ate my Boyfriend"                         5:52

2.            "Lettuce Rides Again"                                  2:33

3.            "Oh No You Don’t"                                       2:11

4.            "Stalker"                                                        2:02

5.            "Prince in a Chignon"                                    3:20

6.            "Trivial Pursuit"                                            2:40

7.            "Stripping in Wetherspoons"                        4:03


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